Today’s football from England & Scotland – Post #1009

Afternoon All

First blog of 2019 and apologies this is at KO time!! Win double came in for the last blog of 2018, let’s have a good year!

There are 374 fixtures (153 posted free) for today on the quick stats, If you want to get full access to them, then there is more info here. Also, the telegram notifications are now live on both a free and paid channel and you can set up your own personal notifications on telegram now. Please email me any suggestions on what you would like to see to improve it further.

The first kick-off is at 15:00 hrs;

Saturday’s Football Matches

  1. AH Single – Arbroath -1.5 @ 1.975
  2. Overs Treble – Taunton, Hartley Witney & AEL @ 3.18

1 point on both

Points Staked 2

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