
The Quick Stats options, now with a daily pass – an update

Evening All The Quick Stats (QS) is unique in what we offer. No other stats site I have seen can offer the felxibility or time saving attributes for punters when we are trying to find a bet on the footy. The majority of us work, or are at Uni and/or have a family to cater The Quick Stats options, now with a daily pass – an update

Today’s Football from England

Evening All A couple of tidy winners back on Sunday for the blog to get some profit on the day and to break the dry run for the month. Any wondering about the pic for this blog post, it’s all about the Casuals… Quick little post for the evening’s games, all KO at 1945hrs; Overs Today’s Football from England

Today’s Football from Portugal, Netherlands, Belgium, Costa Rica, Greece and Cyprus -post#1013

Morning All The dry run continues at the moment for the blog. Onto today and I am playing the below. There are 506 fixtures (201 posted free) for today on the quick stats, If you want to get full access to them, then there is more info here. Also, the telegram notifications are now live on both a free and Today’s Football from Portugal, Netherlands, Belgium, Costa Rica, Greece and Cyprus -post#1013

Today’s Football from England & Portugal – post#1012

Morning All Slow start to the year for the blog with nothing back from the first 2 posts. Onto today and I am playing the below. There are 527 fixtures (183 posted free) for today on the quick stats, If you want to get full access to them, then there is more info here. Also, the telegram notifications are now Today’s Football from England & Portugal – post#1012

Today’s Football from Italy, Cyprus, Barbados, Portugal & Greece – Post#1011

Morning All Nothing back yesterday as Arbroath could only win 1-0 and although the treble had gone inplay when posted and 2 of the games were unavailable, so followers unable to get on, I will still record it as a loss. Let’s hope for a better day! There are 410 fixtures (101 posted free) for today on Today’s Football from Italy, Cyprus, Barbados, Portugal & Greece – Post#1011

A couple of overnighters, footy and NBA – Post#1010

Evening All, Just a couple to sleep on overnight – fun stakes only, not in PL so go easy if you follow. 4 fold – Hawke’s Bay win, Ellerton, Leon and Cantebury all overs @ 6.51 NBA all on the Moneyline – Jazz, 76ers, Warriors & Bucks @ 4.10

Today’s football from England & Scotland – Post #1009

Afternoon All First blog of 2019 and apologies this is at KO time!! Win double came in for the last blog of 2018, let’s have a good year! There are 374 fixtures (153 posted free) for today on the quick stats, If you want to get full access to them, then there is more info here. Also, the telegram notifications Today’s football from England & Scotland – Post #1009

Today’s Football from Italy and England – post#1008

Morning All A nice little BTTS treble landed yesterday on the blog @ 4.11s for some money back on the day. Not a great deal on today, but I am playing the below. Also, I think all the EPL games have a decent chance of overs for a play if any fancies it, but it Today’s Football from Italy and England – post#1008

Today’s Football from England, Italy, Northern Ireland & Israel – Post#1007

Morning All A couple of additions to the blog/quick stats over the Xmas break. QS now needs a blog membership to access but you can still do so for free. Also we have added excpected corners and booking points to the team match-ups. There are 292 fixtures (94 posted free!) for today on the quick stats, If you want Today’s Football from England, Italy, Northern Ireland & Israel – Post#1007

Some Changes – post#1006

Evening Guys In preparation for 2019 access to the QS will still be free for those that want to exercise that option. However, it will only be for blog members that are subscribed to the blog. As such, I have created a Free entry level sub to the blog. You will still have the same Some Changes – post#1006

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