The Quick Stats options, now with a daily pass – an update

Evening All

The Quick Stats (QS) is unique in what we offer.

No other stats site I have seen can offer the felxibility or time saving attributes for punters when we are trying to find a bet on the footy.

The majority of us work, or are at Uni and/or have a family to cater for. Unless you are a professional bettor (I am not) you cannot possibly find the best value either inplay or pre-game on any sport.

I wanted to build something for us punters. Something that would give us the biggest edge on the inplay lines. I wanted it to be automated. To give you the option of placing those goal line winners at 7s, when I am not around watching lines.

A lot of time, work and effort has gone into bringing this to fruition. Over 12 months, we have gone from PDF lists to basic pages on the blog, and more interactive in-depth game cards. There are over 250,000 matchesin the database with more added daily.

Now, to add to this, automation is here and has been for a while. However, the latest update gave us bespoke automation, where you get PERSONALLY notified on telegram when an Inplay (or pre game match), meets the citeria of a filter that you have created at a time that you want!

To keep this post current, and, relative here is a winner from today, after I got home from work, paid at 6.82s when I got on in the FH, just based on the xG filter at 6 months.

QS notifications and personal notifications are the real deal.


  1. Register to the blog
  2. You can take a free or paid option the only difference is the number of leagues covered
  3. Free subs have the same full functionality as paid subs – but the TRADE OFF is that you have far fewer leagues in your package
  5. If you take a platinum or notifications packages you will also get access to the Telegram chat channel, which includes free FHG lists and having to put up with my drivel
  6. Once signed up, start creating filters for alerts on Telegram. If you have taken a paid package the default Bot Telegram is included.
  7. Go to YouTube for help in setting up your Telegram Alerts here
  8. Send any feedback via YouTube comments, email [email protected] it will improve the service and tailor it for what you are looking for

Long term followers know I work full time, so I am not that active in the channel, but here is one from this evening

Below are some of the winners just after we launched. These are not that unusual.

It’s not a one-off, for those that followed that Sunday, as per point 5 above I advised 2 winners at 2.45s and 11s.

If you are still thinking about it, then just a couple more from Sunday.

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I want to stress this is not guaranteed winners. Nothing is in betting, manage your bankroll sensibly and the winners like above should come in. If you have not already read it then the free eBook on value betting is available on the blog.

I strongly recommend that you take the time to create the filters on the free package and get familiar with them before taking Platinum. There is nothing wrong with platinum, far from it, but if you come in and join cold then you are unlikely to maximise the benefits.

For those that missed the public test or have not yet joined, below is an example of a game card that you could get sent on Telegram, for both the main Bot on Platinum and/or you own personal Bot that you create.

You can click on the link to take you to the full game card on QS within Telegram based on that filter and also expand it to see all other markets.

I genuinely believe that this is the best footy betting product I have seen by far, and I have tried and subscribe to many. It’s built to help you and me get on when the price is right. We also have the actual live odds on the main leagues imported to help you determine the value of the potential bet!

It’s intuitive, interactive and will hopefully help all our betting. So how to sign up and are there any costs?

In keeping with the QS packages there will be a free and paid service so entirely up to you about which option if any, you wish to take. As per the QS the free notifications will have far less content and leagues covered.

Now, here is the anology, if you get given a Bugatti (Bank Roll) and never driven before, then chances are that you will write it off in a month. Treat it with respect and find your way over many lessons.

Free subscription gives you limited access to over 100 leagues and also allows you to create your own Bot over unlimited filters.

Full access to QS remains at £15/month GOLD package (with all the leagues), but no access to Telegram notifications.

The NOTIFICATIONS ONLY are still £15/month, you get the main Bot and if you want, the free access to QS

PLATINUM – all of the above £20/month

IMPORTANT –All the below Membership options are recurring apart from the DAILY PASS. If your PayPal does not renew membership you will lose access.

Gold Membership

Monthly access to all the Stats Pages including Quick Stats, FHG, SHG, Cards, GoalScorers, BTTS and All Markets pages with 224 more leagues than Silver Membership including all 548 competitions for £15 monthly via the button below.

Platinum Membership

Monthly access to All pages and all leagues that Gold covers plus telegram notifications, for £20 monthly via the button below. The Ultimate package.

Notifications Only

No access to Quick Stats or expanded game cards just plain and simple notifications via Telegram only for £15 monthly. You will not be able to see any extended data on the games or access any pages or functionality on QS except the free leagues.

The Daily Pass – NEW!!

Understand that many do not bet every day, so this is a low cost option (less than a coffee) to sub on the days that you have free time to have a play on the markets. Full access to QS and the Bot that expires in 24 hours, just £1


Any issues drop me an email [email protected] will respond as soon as I am able to!

As always, I wish you the best of luck with your betting.


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