The guide to QS/QL and the Telegram

Evening All

This is a long time overdue. I have posted how to videos on my YouTube channel thetippingtimes, for how to work your way around Quick Stats and Quick lists.

However it’s come a long way since those days as we are always developing the product. Also there was no one stop definitive guide on the app.

There still isn’t a definitive guide, per se, however I have put a guide together that walks you through the main functionality of the site. It touches upon the filters and how to make them so should serve you well.

It’s chunky but not overly long at 40 pages, it could more than double that if we went through the filters completely, there’s plenty more that could go in here and I will add to it, but it’s a good starting point.

So whether you are an existing subscriber or not, have a read when you have a chance here

As always, best of luck with your plays.



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