Evening All
Yes, Quick Stats V5 is finally going live this evening! V4 was already comprehensive in terms of the leagues and markets it covered, but we knew it could get better. It has.
There are no changes to access levels whether you are a free or a paid subscriber! So, what’s new? Well a completely new user interface to start with and the following;
V5 Changelog:
- Now covering up to 299 markets per game up from 99 in v4
- All sorts of corner markets now built in including corner races.
- Team logos & weather reports on the venue
- Changed the shape of the QS card (header includes logos, larger when collapsed)
- Inplay stats now “live” 1-minute delay
- Added 9 months data range to filter so would pull from Feb-Oct to give better data set for Euro leagues that have had summer breaks in past 6 months
- Average values have moved into a section of the card to accommodate inplay stats
- The market popup shows the data range in order
- All sections of the card (rball, averages, market categories) now collapsible
- Filter by markets popup now split by market category to make it easier to find markets
- Actual odds collected from 365 & Betfair
- Corner and goal band Matrices (superb these)
- Anything in a popup applies to QS & QL.
Some of you will have seen the above changes in terms of markets in V4 as we rolled them out silently to selected users. So, for those the biggest change will be the look and feel of the app. Almost all the markets still come with Implied odds based on the filters you selected to allow you to determine whether there is value in the odds that your book is offering!
The new UI has been in beta test for 2 weeks, hence the delay to the next raft of community applications. It’s not perfect but it’s at a point where it has been signed off to go live. It will be further refined over the course of the month with very minor tweaks.
V5 retains all the same functionality as V4, but it is way bigger and better on the eye. And yes, it’s still available on the free option with over 50 leagues covered and the subscription levels have access to all the same leagues, you now have more markets.
Below is a comparison between V4 and V5 headline game cards;
Version 4
Version 5
Apart from the UI change and the addition of markets the biggest change is the addition of Inplay events and stats. Available on most of the main leagues but not so much on the lower leagues.
If you have not yet tried the Quick Stats (QS) then you can for free or take one of the membership packages and sign up to one of the most comprehensive football betting sites out there.
Oh, and we also do Inplay Notification alerts straight to your device!
If you are not already a member then take a look at the options available that are easy to sign up to and start winning on the footy https://twitter.com/tttinplay/status/1031953027467567111
If you want to trial it for free (notifications not included) just head over to the blog thetippingtimes.com and register as a free member to access the limited Quick Stats and Quick Lists pages.
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