Evening All
Yes, this is post #1000 after over 4 years on this blog, which has now turned into so much more. We have to go way back to August 2014 for my initial post https://wp.me/s7BMc3-welcome
Before this site started I was on another blog goalsandfoals with @dangerussbets so the true post count is far higher.
It’s been rewarding, exhilarating and satisfying in terms of helping people to find value on the footy. Also in just getting the value concept across to some. It’s also been arduous and time-consuming outside of my regular work. We are raising a not so young family and sometimes I reflect on whether the hours put in on here with the research and posting would have been better spent elsewhere. It is what it is and I cannot change the past.
I have written posts on betting strategy and an e-book on finding value. We smashed the Euros and also published World Cup and 2 Premier League betting guides at minimal cost.
I think it was late 2016 that I started the free daily cards in excel, a watch list, or a short list of limited games on the main markets to make small accas from. In late 2017 it swapped to a paid service for the time that it took to research and publish and post the service. This is still running and if interested drop me an email.
In 2017 more and more people understood the goal line market and the advantage it gives us punters. However as more and more got on and the following grew, the eyes stopped as it was killing the prices. To the latter end of 2017 and 2018 it became more of a focus on providing a service where the average punter does not need to rely on a “Tipster”.
Let’s think about that for a minute. Are you reading this as a “Tipster” or as a punter? The inverted commas are for those services that describe themselves as “not a tipster just sharing my bets”, (share it in excel or with your close mates rather than a public platform eh?). If you are a punter and have a reliance on a “Tipster” then you are missing many opportunities. If that works for you, and you are a fan of “mother’s milk”, that’s not a problem, I’d rather invest my time in helping others to be self-reliant on making money on the footy.
The inplay bets slowed down toward the end of 2017, what with work and family commitments and the desire to build something that would truly help us punters when I was not around. It had got to the point where I was sick and tired of the negativity on twitter which coincided with the creation of “TTT community”, invite only and hugely successful. Some of us even met up for World Cup drinks in London, which got the job done.
During late 2017 and early 2018, I was also battling depression which happens to a lot of guys my age apparently – get help if you are not feeling yourself.
So “we” then created Quick Stats, and Quick Stats Notifications. I say “we” as I am not technically gifted enough to create what the site has now. I may have designed the logic but I will be forever grateful to A for building the vision.
So that brings us up to date. This is not a pitch with me selling the service, far from it, more an account of the journey I (we) have travelled over the past 4 years.
The question I always ask with hindsight is, “Would I have done anything differently?”
The simple answer is, “yes 100%”, I would/should have continued with my Inplays, however, my mind was not in the right place. No regrets, it happens.
Let’s look ahead to what the future plans are, I have “encouraged” about 70 members to leave today from my private community to make space for others that will contribute more. So we have some spaces I like to cap it at circa 200 give or take.
We will be doing more stuff on the automated bot and also redefining the pre-loaded filters on QS. You should also see more prices in the exports now and I will be adding game/filter strat videos to YouTube. QS subs will also have a dedicated TG chat shortly to help discuss bets and plays.
Anyway, watch this space I am personally pleased that we have got to 1000 relevant posts and over 1 million views on the blog. Other future developments are secret squirrel at the moment.
As always, I wish you the best in whatever you play!