Profit and Loss Report – April 2018

Afternoon All,

An update on how the blog fared for April as follows;


A strange month and not a full one, the last blog picks of the month was back on the 21st. A couple of reasons for that being a busy end of month personally and the focus and time was primarily going into the quick stats pages. As such far fewer selections were advised, just the 38 compared with 66 in March. (average of 1.2 selections per day down from 2.1 on the month prior). Disappointingly, we made a loss of 10.9 points. The biggest losing streak, or draw down on the bank was 8 selections, between the 4th and the 8th of the month.

Of the 38 picks, there were just 9 winners at a strike rate of 23.68%, well down from the previous month but the average odds of the picks jumped from 3.23 to 3.82


In terms of the type of winners, 4 of the 9 were win doubles, which follows a similar pattern to last month where most of the winners were win line picks. The remaining were some variant of the combined both teams to score and over markets or straight overs.

In Summary

To summarise it was poor month albeit not a full one. Plenty of combinations missed by just the one goal or the one match, which would have painted a very different picture. However, I have to take the losing month on the chin and move forward into the new month ahead.

As always good luck with whatever you are on, and the link to April’s final position is here






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