Are you on Point? And how is your ROI looking?

Evening All

Just a quick late night update. Seen a few tweets about points/ROI on my TL today. Here’s my 5 shillings worth. ROI is the “Return On Investment”. Essentially it measures the efficiency of your bets (investments). Points returned is just that – points returned. It is a standalone number that, whilst not meaningless, is pretty uninformative.


Tipsters. Ok, we are stopping right there. “Tipsters”. I am fed up to the back teeth (and I don’t have many left) of the “I’m not a tipster, we’re not tipsters”, brigade, “I’m/We’re just sharing my bets on here”. Come on, guys. Is there hypocrisy in those statements? I know this will irk a few of my long trusted, and liked followers. At the end of the day, you can track your bets privately. So, you would be a guy/girl just tracking their bets. To me, we see these phrases for the following reasons;

  1. They want adulation for winning bets but cannot commit to the ownership of all including the losing ones.
  2. Taking responsibility for others losing, despite the number of winners, sits heavy on their shoulders. (I can relate to this)
  3. They have a low opinion of “tipsters”. They have been burnt before. Let’s be honest most people do, and have. A “tipster” is someone who offers tips to the public/membership on whatever forum. Be it free or at a charge. Full time or Part time. Why else would you post them? They may feel that being considered “said tipster” is beneath them.
  4. And, lastly, at least for this post those phrases are a “get out of jail free card” when picks don’t land. A comfort blanket.

Don’t take my word for it, this is courtesy of the Oxford English Dictionary @

That was a bit of a tangent. Don’t take this the wrong way there are many, many good guys that I follow that are just sharing their bets. There are bad ones too. If you are reading this and you think it relates to you, it doesn’t specifically, it’s a general observation, from reading my timeline. if you do feel it relates to you then, it’s also your choice to consider where you are pitching from. Anyway, enough of that let’s move on to the example, segway closed.

Example (take 2)

Person A stakes 150 points a month and returns 50 pt profit. Whilst Person B stakes 25 points a month and returns 25 pt profit. Person A has doubled the points of person B in said month. Now, Person A has staked (risked) 6 times the amount of Person B. Person A has only double the profit of Person B yet risked 6 times the stake of Person B to achieve that.

This game is not about your points. First and foremost it’s about fun, and betting with disposable income. Secondly, it’s about ROI, ROI is the measure that tracks the efficiency of your bets. It should be clear from the above that in that example month Person B has had the better month. They have risked less and doubled their money. Whilst Person A has staked 6 times more and only had a bank increase of 33%.

A Tracker

Here is a free tracker, specifically for footy, to see how well, or bad you are doing. The first tab has the instructions the rest should look after itself. The link is below.

Also as some may have seen I am thinking about starting an Inplay telegram channel. It will be based upon the principles above, in terms of the number of bets. When we did the Inplays last season we always had a 3 strike rule and that will still apply. More details on that tomorrow, time permitting.

Anyway here is the shared bet tracker link

Hope it helps.




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