
Today’s football from Norway, Thailand, Sweden and Finland

Afternoon All Nice to finish off the month yesterday with a bit more profit. I’ll post up the monthly profit report later. Let’s hope for a good start to July! At the time of writing, there are 252 fixtures for today on the quick stats. If you want to get full access to them, then there is more info here Today’s football from Norway, Thailand, Sweden and Finland

Today’s football from Finland, Sweden, Iceland and Norway

Afternoon All As expected with the World Cup now well underway league fixtures have taken a battering. A few more games on today and below are the ones I am playing. At the time of writing, there are 358 fixtures for today on the quick stats. If you want to get full access to them, then there is more Today’s football from Finland, Sweden, Iceland and Norway


Evening All, As many will be aware we have been developing the quick stats over the past 3 months for the next release. As of today, the quick stats remains the same in terms of levels of access but we will be putting quick stats V2 out to public test for the rest of the

Today’s Football from Finland & Sweden

Afternoon All As expected with the World Cup now well underway league fixtures have taken a battering. Posting just the one Treble from today’s fixtures; At the time of writing, there are 135 fixtures for today on the quick stats. If you want to get full access to them, then there is more info here The first kick-off is at 14:00 Today’s Football from Finland & Sweden

Russia 2018 World Cup Antepost picks

Evening All The World Cup starts tomorrow and I am sharing my thoughts and antepost picks on it in my FREE ebook. It’s over 60 pages and 13,000 words and you can access it for free here There is no charge for it, just like the antepost Euros picks I advised 2 years ago. They Russia 2018 World Cup Antepost picks

Today’s Football from Finland, Thailand, Sweden, Brazil & Czech

Morning All First blog post since last weekend, a few games on today. At the time of writing, there are 240 fixtures for today on the quick stats. If you want to get full access to them, then there is more info here The first kick-off is at 13:00 hrs; Sunday’s Football Matches Overs Treble – PK-35, Air Force Central & Today’s Football from Finland, Thailand, Sweden, Brazil & Czech

Today’s Football from Sweden, Finland and Norway

Morning All Great start to June with the inplay landing on Friday and 2 trebles cashing yesterday at 7.8 and 4.45s. At the time of writing, there are 348 fixtures for today on the quick stats. If you want to get full access to them, then there is more info here The first kick-off is at 14:00 hrs; Sunday’s Football Matches Today’s Football from Sweden, Finland and Norway

Today’s Football from Finland, Sweden, Hungary, Brazil & Norway

Afternoon All The first blog picks of June are below, we ended May in profit and more detail is in the monthly profit and loss post. At the time of writing, there are 438 fixtures for today on the quick stats. If you want to get full access to them, then there is more info here The first kick-off is Today’s Football from Finland, Sweden, Hungary, Brazil & Norway

July Monthly Cards

Evening All, Onto the Cards and below are the links to sign up for the month or recurring. The cards are what I consider to be the highest probability picks for the home win, BTTS, and over 2.5 match goal lines. Ideal if you do not have time to watch Inplay games and to make July Monthly Cards

Profit and loss report – May 2018

Afternoon All Welcome to the third monthly P&L report. Technically May is not over until today, but there are no blog picks and if we do have any inplays this evening the final figures will be updated accordingly. Overall After a partial betting month in April (and a losing one) just the 38 picks, we Profit and loss report – May 2018

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