Saturday’s football picks all from the UK

Afternoon All One Hammarby goal short for the BTTS and overs last Sunday and Wolfsburg II losing at home cost the AH treble. So changing the format today moving away from just playing just multiples pre-game. Will probably start our goalscorer bets again this weekend once team news is out and may post something later … Saturday’s football picks all from the UK
Today’s Football from Germany, Norway, Austria, Netherlands & Sweden

Morning All Nothing back for the blog yesterday, onto today and playing the below; There are 1030 fixtures on the QS and QL today and 382 posted for free members. for more info on the subscription packages available and how to join the telegram chat community. Remember that you can always join on the free level to try out … Today’s Football from Germany, Norway, Austria, Netherlands & Sweden
Today’s Football from Denmark, England, Japan, Indonesia, Finland, China, Latvia, Germany & Saudi

Morning All Nothing back for the blog yesterday, onto today and playing the below; There are 1317 fixtures on the QS and QL today and 443 posted for free members. for more info on the subscription packages available and how to join the telegram chat community. Remember that you can always join on the free level to try out … Today’s Football from Denmark, England, Japan, Indonesia, Finland, China, Latvia, Germany & Saudi
Today’s football from Austria, Malta, Iceland, Latvia, Wales, Norway, Armenia, Spain & Bolivia

Morning All BTTS and overs single and the overs acca returned yesterday for 7.37pts, also worth noting that the Norstedt game was abandoned on Weds so the BTTS and Overs treble returned at 3.29s. Onto today and playing the below; There are 384 fixtures on the QS and QL today and 167 posted for free members. for more info … Today’s football from Austria, Malta, Iceland, Latvia, Wales, Norway, Armenia, Spain & Bolivia
Today’s Football from Saudi, Finland, Georgia & Thailand

Morning All Nothing back yesterday but close again, 1 goal from 2 trebles landing, short of time today first KO is 12 pm, changing the format slightly and playing the below; There are 132 fixtures on the QS and QL today and 37 posted for free members. for more info on the subscription packages available and how to join … Today’s Football from Saudi, Finland, Georgia & Thailand
Today’s football from Germany, Hungary, Portugal, Venezuela, Finland & Tunisia

Morning All Overs treble landed on Monday for a very small loss on the day, 1 Trollhatten goal short of the BTTS and O Treble and Brodd conceding a late pen meant no returns on the AH. Onto today and playing the below; There are 249 fixtures on the QS and QL today and 103 posted for free members. … Today’s football from Germany, Hungary, Portugal, Venezuela, Finland & Tunisia
Today’s Football from Sweden, Iceland, Portugal, Netherlands, Turkey, England, Norway & Argentina

Afternoon All Overs treble landed yesterday as well as the single and Krka completed the overs treble from Saturday. Onto today and playing the below; There are 256 fixtures on the QS and QL today and 71 posted for free members. for more info on the subscription packages available and how to join the telegram chat community. Remember that … Today’s Football from Sweden, Iceland, Portugal, Netherlands, Turkey, England, Norway & Argentina
Today’s Football from Poland, Slovakia, Austria, Iceland, Peru Sweden, Faroe, Russia & Finland

Morning All 2/3 on the BTTS and overs yesterday, Belgium ending scoreless was a surprise. We had one of the overs trebles land at 3.1s and the other is 2/3 and still alive as Krka either listed incorrectly or rescheduled as it now looks like they play this afternoon. Onto today and playing the below; … Today’s Football from Poland, Slovakia, Austria, Iceland, Peru Sweden, Faroe, Russia & Finland
Today’s football from Finland, Peru, Bolivia, Germany, Czech, England, Belgium, Norway, Slovenia & Belarus

Afternoon All Just hitting the post at the moment, nothing back for the blog on Sunday, onto today and playing the below; There are 1362 fixtures on the QS and QL today and 534 posted for free members. for more info on the subscription packages available and how to join the telegram chat community. Remember that you … Today’s football from Finland, Peru, Bolivia, Germany, Czech, England, Belgium, Norway, Slovenia & Belarus