An update of the changes and what’s coming to the blog

Evening All,

So the season proper (in England at any rate) starts tomorrow with the return of the Premier League. Spain, Italy and the Bundesliga come into play later in the month. At the start of August, we added a new feature to the Quick Stats (QS), no fanfare, just a soft launch of the Quick Lists (QL).

They give us the ability to filter almost any market against almost any metric we like to use to place our bets and have CSV file exported to our device. Literally, anything we could want, recent form, mid-term form or long-term for across 99 markets in over 500 leagues. Try it (you can for free), it’s tasty. We can also add in all sorts of parameters such as only show me odds that are over X.0, or even show me those fixtures where the actual odds are greater than X.0 above the Implied odds (Value) based on the filters you consider important in weighing up and analysing games. Players to be booked, to score, HT results it’s all in there.

A lot of work time and effort has gone into bringing QS and QL to the point to which they are at now.

So, the question is can they get any better? With regard to functionality for us users, well, yes they can, and they will.

There are lots and lots of sporting stats sites out there, and recently we have seen people adapting and creating excel sheets for lists. Nothing wrong with that and as we are all in this for the same reason “crowd knowledge” can help find things that you may have overlooked.

Personally, I applaud and support anyone who takes the time and effort to publish some form of data that will help the average punter get an edge on the books.

The above model of data publication, whilst useful, does have limitations. We are usually beholden to the data set that the publisher has used to calculate the probability. The majority I have found to date, use the current season only. Why is that? Do teams change so significantly (in general) over the season break? There is nothing wrong with this approach, but it does have, as mentioned previously limitations that can turn into missed opportunities.

Then it’s the usual trawl to compare the implied odds of the percentages (we work them out for you) with the actual odds offered at the bookies. QS has the actual odds already built in for many leagues which is a timesaver for those smart enough to look for value

QS & QL allows us to analyse form and probabilities over the past 1, 3, 6 and 12 month periods. We can drill into team performance and relative strengths across 99 markets. For new league seasons, we can get specific stats on how teams closed out the end of the previous season. Whilst for mature leagues we are able to look at recent form 1 & 3 months, and also mid to long-term form, 6 & 12 months. 12 months gives us a benchmark against others in that league as long as the team or their oppositions has not just been promoted or relegated into the said league.

So, there’s lot’s going on here, maybe, more than we will find in any other footy site I have seen in terms of data analysis when it comes to finding value in the lines. If we wanted to set up as an example an over 2.5 match goal filter (or any other) it takes less than a minute. Once it’s saved it will always be there, for any time in the future until we delete it. It’s one click to run it, and then just one click to see the comparative previous outcomes and implied probabilities over 1, 3, 6 & 12 months, also H2H.


Those excel sheets you see floating around on Twitter? You can create them yourself. In minutes. With far more markets and historical time filters and in one place you can view performance against a market over multiple timeframes. Based on YOUR preferences.

Once created and saved it’s just a button push to create one for the next 3 days. Simple, and efficient.


So what’s changing?


With regard to the above. Nothing. We will keep adding matches to the database to make the depth of the data deeper which happens daily. There are 280k matches in the database now with up to 99 markets on each game.


Notifications. That’s what’s changing. At the moment we have to manually scroll through and find bets based on our filters. On other sites, it’s often more difficult, as they do not give us options based on what we like to weight our bets on let alone giving us actual odds. So we are bringing in notifications in an attempt, to help us all.


They are predominantly geared for Inplays but if you want you can also set them up for pre-game filters. They will be tailored to every member’s unique filtering preferences, so not a generic “one size fits all” approach. They are not quite ready yet to go live as they are in test. I have created bespoke FHG and SHG filters, my standard pre-game filters have notifications turned off.


The new season kicks off in the Prem tomorrow, the Bundesliga, Spain and Italy are all still to start yet we are covering 313 games tomorrow. 1169 on Saturday and 511 on Sunday. It’s a good time to get involved. All are fully filterable over different timeframes, exportable to CSV and you will have push notifications enabled if you wish to your device later this month.

Any queries just drop me an email at [email protected] visit the membership link here or ask a question on the forum.

As Yogi would say, smarter than your average bear, excel sheet or stats site.







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